The Oil of Care
Infant skin is sensitive and tender hence requires protection and nourishment.
The All Natural Dasapushpam (10 sacred flowers) skincare range are powerful Ayurvedic formulations which acts as a skin & scalp tonic and improves skin immunity.
The 10 sacred flowers are infused in the purest oil- "virgin coconut oil".
The Oil of Heritage
The Ayurveda healers of Kerala have been using Dasapushpam traditionally to make oils to fight skin diseases, especially in infants. Most of the herbs in this group has strong proven anti-microbial activity and can prevent an array of skin diseases. The oil made out of Dasapushpam is a good solution to day to day skin problems like dry skin and help to achieve a radiant complexion. Therefore Dasapushpam oil was used to massage the new-born daily before a herbal bath. This practice ensured proper build up of immunity in the new born and adequate skin care.
Nature's Veda lineage is 3 generations of Ayurvedic physicians from Kerala. This ensures that the formulation of this skin immunity oil is authentic and has stood the test of time.